Branded Content, a framework for success


A tried + tested framework FOR CPG challengerS entering the world of branded content marketing

Information, Context, Medium, Format - the classic content creation > publishing framework updated for CPG challengers looking to build brand power.


Before discussing branded content the following should be in place:

1. Category and Consumer Insight: You deeply understand your category and have identified your target consumers through factual research and verifiable insights, not assumptions.

2. Defined Brand: You've completed a thorough brand architecture process based on the insights you've gathered.

3. Clear Marketing Goals: You have specific marketing goals (e.g., brand awareness or sales) and realistic budgets for production and media to achieve these goals.

4. Flexibility and Learning: You're prepared to test, learn, and adapt, knowing that your first campaign may not be perfect.

If any of the above is missing, focus on addressing it before continuing. I'll be here when you're ready.

Welcome back

The following four steps are crucial for creating effective branded content. While the framework is timeless, I've updated it specifically for CPG challengers.

Step 1: The Information

Do you have truly valuable information to share? Is it worth remembering? Consider the following:

1. Product Novelty/Category Advancement: Announce innovations in a relatable way to your audience, so as to effectively convey competitive advantage.

2. Class-leading Utility: Reinforce the relevance and effectiveness of your product to maintain visibility and mindshare among target consumers. 

3. Revelatory: Something that challenges the status quo, new information that cannot be easily unheard.

No valuable information = brand spam, negative brand associations.

Step 2: Context

In general terms this means how the information is relevant to the times we live in. For brands this means ensuring your information is relevant and uniquely tied to your brand, and making it easy to remember. It should:

1. Leverage Insightful Understanding: Reflect a deep knowledge of your target consumers, category conventions and consumer entry points.

2. Have Clear Authorship: Be delivered by a specific and recognizable entity (e.g., influencer, mascot, or personality), rather than a disembodied brand voice.

3. Consistent Concept Anchoring: Be based on a core brand truth or analogous creative concept unique to your brand.

4. Be Charming: Be culturally relevant, emotionally impactful, fun, and entertaining.

No distinctive concept or voice = generic, easy to copy, forgettable content that at best builds the category, not your brand.

Step 3: Medium

Where should you publish? Choose the most effective platform(s) to reach your audience. This requires a scientific and measurable approach. Decide on key metrics from the start and be ready to adjust metrics and creative assets as you learn. 

Mediums to consider include: Social media platforms, sponsored broadcast TV or online video content, radio or podcasts, printed serialized content. 

No media strategy = wasted spend, flawed campaign optimization.

Step 4: Format and Frequency

Identify the optimal ad units for your chosen medium and maximize message effectiveness. Each format has its best practices and production techniques which you will need to master.

Example formats include: brand film, short-form video, infomercial, blog, podcast, live broadcast, expert guide, digital ad units, printed ad units (half page, single page, double page spread, TV advertising (sixty, thirty, fifteen, ten second spots).

The basic principle at play here is: create good content and then edit it to perform in your chosen formats.

Consider how much and how often you need to publish to achieve a competitive share of voice. 

- Poor format choice = inconsistent quality, low performance, zero or negative brand impact.

- Insufficient frequency = too little content to get noticed, why bother at all?


Never think ‘format first’. Always determine what you want to say, how to convey it uniquely, and how to target your audience effectively before deciding on the format(s).

Adopting a branded content strategy is likely to change your workplace culture and team structure. You'll need a content engine, either in-house or through a partner.

At the Craftory we have a team of experts, Craft Partners, who can assist you at each step. Strategy, Insight, Creative, Marketing, Media, there’s value in excellence across it all.

JP Thurlow is Craft Partner Brand, Creative, and Story Telling at The Craftory, the progressive investment fund on a $550M mission to back the world's boldest consumer brands.


The B for Good Big Three